Tuesday 5 August 2008

Butlers ~Meshimase Ojousama~

バトラズ ~召しませお嬢様~

Overall: 7

You are a simple OL, who one day is abducted my two young men. They bring you to a mansion and tell you that you are the granddaughter of a rich and powerful man, who though disowned his daughter (your mother) still loves her (even though she died many many years ago). So the servants decided to find you and arrange a family reunion.

Bad points:
  • The art was pretty bad when most of the CGs were concerned, especially the ero ones. The style was pretty much the same as in Brothers, but they kept trying to hide the girl's face. Not to mention that half of the time I kept looking in horror at either her boobs or the mans face.
  • I didn't like all the voices. I'm just picky, I thought that Shido the womanizer ought to have had a better voice or at least one that didn't sound like he was either having serious problems in his colon or just a seriously blocked nostril. The grandfather could have done a better job too.
  • I loved the youngest boy, but I really couldn't believe that he was 21. from the voice and the way he acted you thought that he was something like 17, but that's just me, as always.
  • Also the lack of the 'Skip' button annoyed to no end

Good points:
  • Quite a few times during the game I started laughing out loud because the characters and situations were adorable.
  • Despite the negative review from everyone else I LIKED the fact that it was easy to find the man because with Brothers you needed a lot of time and patience or a walkthrough to get all the events. Even though it made me feel that I just kept stalking the guy I still liked this way more.
  • Ichijou Kazuya! I can't help it. I like his voice and can now recognize him easily by the way he keeps making weird noises and sucking in air between words. The fact that he did a lovely accent in this game gave me an even bigger kick.
  • I've finally fallen in love with Tiaramode. They keep making stranger characters. While in their later game they made a perfect and charming model who can't use anything but spoons, this time they had an emo character who grows mariomo! (And names them Charles and Elizabeth, because he was supposed to be English. The fact that Japanese aren't good at faking English accents is going to be ignored for now)

Overall I enjoyed this. I'm now sorry that I didn't play this first and Brothers second because then I would have liked Brothers even more. But now I understand that the people at Tiaramode are into really kinky things. In this game they didn't have a rape route but the Night Mode disc enabled you to play the...ahem...darker side. Apart from two, they all ended up with the girl doing serious femdom, I'm not even sure that one of them enjoyed it. With Shido there was a threesome where she still managed to have the head butler as her slave.
Interesting note is that Ichijou Kazuya plays AGAIN a person who is a bit of a sexfiend. After all, she couldn't dominate him, quite the opposite (HA!)

pleasant thoughts