Thursday 28 August 2008

Under the Moon

I started playing it and... well... it's awful. Not to put a too fain a point to it but it's porn with bad art. I mean it looks all shiny but even if you ignore the girl's enormous tits (which is hard because they are bigger then the rest of her) you still get bad angles and something that reminds me of leftovers. The story isn't there so I won't comment on it.
Maybe it's because I played a lot of otome games lately, maybe because before that I had finished Love Drops and attempted to play an eroge game that had really nice watercolour-ish style to it. Whatever the reason may be I am in no mood to forgive this game anything.

rating: 2 (because am basically a kind person and I like the noses on some of the men)

I think I'll just go and watch M¤A¤S¤H or Hotaru no hikari, both are gold and can do wonders for morale