Thursday 29 March 2007

Jjigoku Shoujo Futakomori ep 24

So scary. The first half of the episode shows how the entire town is using the fact that all the attention is on Takuma to send their antagonists to Hell. By now practically the entire town had sent someone using Jigoku Tsuushin except the detective, his sister and Takuma. In the second half the detective decided to investigate Jigoku Tsuushin and discovered a book by *dum, dum, dum* Hajime! In the meantime His little sister wanders around Ai's sunset world.
Now then, boys and girls, what did we learn from this episode?

  • Ai's gran is very scary, or so we can deduct from the screams that Hotaru released as she peered behind the door.

  • People who actually believe that Takuma is the Devil's Child suddenly decided that he'll send them to Hell anyway so they can as well make the time worthwhile and send someone else.

  • Hajime has vanished from the eyes of common mortals and lives on... good intentions presumably.

  • Futakomori takes place several years after season 1, since Tsugumi is now apparently somewhere around 15

  • All people are bastards.

I knew it, the town has unknowingly ganged-up on Takuma! Piss-takers! Hmm... Tsugumi has gained mysterious abilities ar so it seems. I'm getting the feeling that Takuma will be killed by the townsfolk but his soul will be saved by Ai, because she feels sorry for him and wants to have his babies! (well, that would be more in the lines of pedophilia, actually, after all, Ai is somewhere around 500)

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori ep 23

Yay! We are officially in the plot! The joy is, if not endless, then at least big. Yes, to people who aren't familiar with the series it might seem strange that Futakomori has only 26 episodes and only now we finally got a main story arc, but such is the sadistic nature of the creators of the show.

Takuma is still here. Nice... Anyhoo, the episode starts with a man sending a man to Hell and when the D.I. comes to talk to him he blames Takuma (or to be precise "That child"). So the episode talks about the detective and how he finds it strange that the whole town is set against Takuma. He also has a sister who believes in Takuma's innocence but doesn't believe in Jigoku Tsuushin. Weird.

Hmm... the workers of Hell seem to have an interest in Takuma (maybe because he's the only decent person in the entire town, after all, he did return the straw doll to Ai). They were quite pleased when they thought that the detectives sister realised about Jigoku Tsuushin (well, that is they were pleased until the girl happily announced that Jigoku Tsuuchin is a lie anyway) . Aww, they're getting nicer by the hour.

Now that that's settled, will they answer the question, what the hell is Kikuri? Gods, the brain shaking that's going over this child is absurd. Gaah! I want to know how the story unfolds but am sad since this will end the show permanently.

Or not.
Impression: the entire episode was scary, not in the blood and gore department but more in the way people would use a rumour to excuse their own sins. They probably all know that Takuma didn't do anything but having the "Devil's Child" around probably makes life just that much easier for them. After all, the man who actually did send another person to Hell thought that since everyone hates Takuma anyway then it doesn't matter. Shows group mentality. Somehow this episode frigtens, angers and saddens me.

Friday 23 March 2007

Tales from Earthsea

directed by Goro Miyazaki.

How can I put this, it was weak. I actually feel sorry for him, because people who came to see the movie watched it expecting something one-of-akind, due to the fact that it's Ghibli and it's Hayao's son. So maybe I thought that because earlier the same day, yesterday to be precise, I watched Tonari no Totoro on the big screen for the first time. Yes, it doesn't go to compare, as my gran liked to mention, god's gift with an omelet (although mind you, some omelette's are very tasty and where the bleeding cat heads did she unearth this saying from will forever be a mystery)
The animation wasn't bad, CGI showed up very obviously in some places, but all in all it wasn't bad. The dragons were done very nicely. The art was good also, very nostalgic, in a sort-of 70s style. The voices were OK. Not the best, especially Theru, she seemed rather unnatural, sang well though.
What I didn't like was that they stated everything out so plainly. Usually, after each Ghibli movie you become a bit thoughtful because there was something unsaid in the movie that got you thinking. This time, no reaction. The movie was made with all the right things but, since Goro is a first-timer in this case, maybe he just didn't know how to put in little nuances and so hat to state everything out in a long sentence (delivered by Haitaka) And of course the sword. Oh the sword. During the entire movie I kept wondering if maybe I'm not the only one who can see that the handle of the sword is, plain and simply, a metallic purple penis. I mean, I've been told on numerous occasions that a sword is a fallic symbol but I think that if these people would've seen the movie then they would've quickly dropped the 'symbol' part. It was especially interesting in the beginning when Aron was running about all naive and uke'ish >.< was all I could do not to laugh.
My conclusion: Try better next time and if your dad says something in the lines of "Animate this bit by hand!" then do it. Remember kids, it's OK to argue with your parents, but when they happen to be Hayao Miyazaki then saying this in the line of "You're just a stupid old man who never got anywhere" is a bit silly.

Thursday 22 March 2007

Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori ep 22

We see the return of Takuma, the "Devil's Child", who at the end of some sort of episode was falsely accused of killing his mother and attempting to kill his father. This time we see that his life is not going as bad as everyone though it might, since he's obviously not in prison and his father is alive, though hospitalized and under some serious equipment. In town everyone tries to have as little to do with the boy as possible, including running into random shops in the mall so that they wouldn't have to even walk anywhere near Takuma. Then he meets a girl who seems very friendly and for some reason has no idea who he is...
Takuma is back O.0 What the hell? He can't become and important character, after all, Hajime turned up fairly early in the series and besides, Ai forgave the entire clan, didn't she? Not to mention that they'd never get anything done, Futakomori was supposed to have 26 episodes so... Gaah! Am confused and will soon forget where i live and what my name is. Mind you, this is the first time they did this sort of trick (me thinks) that a character from an episode long gone suddenly pops up again.
Hmm... smells like the much-awaited plot has arrived. Wohey! I mean, I'm all for random killings but sooner or later we have to know who the hell Kikuri is and that can only be achieved through a plot.
Anyway, was a sad episode, but most of them are. Had a cute humourus scene when Hone Onna came to pick up "our Kikuri" but Hone Onna and Kikuri always have weird fights.

Monday 19 March 2007

Hustle season 3 ep 4

The most brilliant episode so far!
(Firstly, o dear and precious blog, must say that am very sorry for ignoring you for a week, am lazy)

Now then, on with the review! The story this time is about a mark who owns a number of factories where people for practically no pay and horrible conditions have to sow fake designer clothes. He originally wanted to become a Bollywood actor but his father decided that he should take over the business. Some years ago he moved to England and opened the sweat-shop. Now a brother of the two older women who work there wants to take revenge on him and asks the crew to help.
A lovely episode, very silly. Danny has to play the role of the chauffeur and since the job, unlike everyone else's, doesn't require a lot of work and studying he gets bored. To fill the time he decides to take up a hobby, which is gardening (No, to the grievance of a mass of fan girls we do not get to see Marc Warren all covered in dirt and ancient sweat in the manner of Aragorn in FotR). So there are a couple of absolutely adorable scenes where he fusses around with the seedlings. Also, the episode has a fantastically made Bollywood-styled dance scene. Lovely. Can't figure out how they found the people two dub with matching voices so quickly but they did a fantastic job. Good on you, guys! Ash and Danny sound perfect there and a couple of moments you believe that it's them singing.
The end was surprising, gets you thinking because you don't know what exactly the mark is thinking and what he will do. As he sat in him dark room looking at the flower petal you kept wondering what's going on in his head and was he putting the crew on or did he mean everything he said.
All and all, very satisfying. Am only sad that there are only 2 episodes left and then I'll have to wait for season 4 to come out and for some nice person to rip it. 'Til then, will just rewatch the ones I have.

Sunday 11 March 2007

Bleach ep 118

The Arrancar invasion into the human world continues and the main fight of the episode is Madarame Ikkaku vs Arrancar Thirteen, Edorad Leones.
To start off I have to mention that this is one of my favourite parts in the entire manga, Ikkaku’s fight to be precise, so naturally I expected a lot from the anime. I wasn’t disappointed. Seiyuu were marvellous, you could really sense the tension in Yumichika (gods, I sound as though I’m describing sex with them -_-) The bit where Ikkaku releases his bankai is a bit too colourful for my tastes but it still came out nicely since Ikkaku looks very much like a demon there. The animation seems very good in this one. I mean, I’m not an expert but it seemed to be nicely done (even though the periodically appearing blue background is annoying). In some bits the frames twitch too roughly, but I think that was the whole idea. And Yumichika isn't a drag-queen even though he looks the same as ever the whole 'feeling' coming from him is comepletely different, he knows the Ikkaku might die but he won't help because that's not the way they do things.
Also am very happy since I got to hear a new battle theme. I adore the soundtracks and can’t wait for the lovely lovely people to release another one.
The episode showed the famous blood-thirst of the Zaraki Tai and along with the next one will also show the twisted but also very touching honour of the 11th division.Will roll on floor wiggling with joy while waiting for the next episode so that I could cry huge rivers.

Saturday 10 March 2007

jaapani anime festival! YAY!

Starting form 17.03 Sõprus, my only saviour in these harsh lands, will be showing for an entire week anime *falls over happily*. My joy is immeasurable since that means that I'll get to see Totoro and Hotaru no Haka on the big screen. The only minus is that I'll probably have to bring along a sleeping bag, some clothes and something to keep me alive like food&water, because so far I've got six films that I want to see no matter what and the rest are rather inviting. To see Tonari no Totoro in a movie theater would be one of the highlights of my current being, since it's the first anime I ever bought (in Tokyo, might I add, so the movie has even more importance).
I'll probably start crying at every one of the six but who cares, I always cry when watching movies unless I've seen them so many times that I could draw the storyboards from my head.
Currently am having a happiness-overdose. Bye.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

The geek is let loose!

In order to keep track of what I'm watching and what my opinion is/was on the movie/show I decided to create this little journal here. Mostly it's for personal use, because nobody's really interested in these sort of things anyway, but I will be happy for any comments on the reviewable movies/insertnamehere.

In this journal I promise to:

  • Never to bitch randomly. No subject that has nothing to do with the currently viewable piece will be discussed here.
  • Get my facts straight. If the piece is in a language I understand only to a certain degree then I apologise.
  • Try and check my spelling.
  • Swear more creatively. I will swear in any case, such is my nature, but I'll do my best to do it in a more interesting manner.
  • Post my honest opinion and not judge something because of it's age. The time when a particular movie was made has to be taken into account so as to understand the piece better and to appreciate the effort.

That is all, lots of happy thoughts to the world in general on my behalf.