Thursday 22 March 2007

Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori ep 22

We see the return of Takuma, the "Devil's Child", who at the end of some sort of episode was falsely accused of killing his mother and attempting to kill his father. This time we see that his life is not going as bad as everyone though it might, since he's obviously not in prison and his father is alive, though hospitalized and under some serious equipment. In town everyone tries to have as little to do with the boy as possible, including running into random shops in the mall so that they wouldn't have to even walk anywhere near Takuma. Then he meets a girl who seems very friendly and for some reason has no idea who he is...
Takuma is back O.0 What the hell? He can't become and important character, after all, Hajime turned up fairly early in the series and besides, Ai forgave the entire clan, didn't she? Not to mention that they'd never get anything done, Futakomori was supposed to have 26 episodes so... Gaah! Am confused and will soon forget where i live and what my name is. Mind you, this is the first time they did this sort of trick (me thinks) that a character from an episode long gone suddenly pops up again.
Hmm... smells like the much-awaited plot has arrived. Wohey! I mean, I'm all for random killings but sooner or later we have to know who the hell Kikuri is and that can only be achieved through a plot.
Anyway, was a sad episode, but most of them are. Had a cute humourus scene when Hone Onna came to pick up "our Kikuri" but Hone Onna and Kikuri always have weird fights.